Insurance- Bentley

Only a purchased Bentley was stolen from a pipe factory worker. This is the real, endlessly offensive story of a 25 years old guy from St. P...

A challenge to Obama and the � Arab spring � (part 2)

The death of Osama bin Laden, at the end of the war in Iraq, early withdrawal from Afghanistan and, above all, making the Arab streets in recent years by the forces much more diversified and reformers had created the illusion of that radicalism was buried. The protests of recent days, symbolized by the erection of a flag of Al Qaeda in the United States Embassy in Tunisia served to remind us that it is not. But had enough opportunities for extremist forces of the Islamic world should send the message that we lack. However, with all the concern that these events have generated, not everything what happened in these days is cause for pessimism. First, we must take into account the size of the protests. According to various correspondents, the groups have attacked the embassies or flags burned in no circumstances exceed a few hundred, nothing compared to the hundreds of thousands who occupied Tahrir square and other places in the region for weeks or longer with the heroism of Syria fighters. Even more telling was the reaction of the Governments involved. Libyan authorities have arrested and convicted of the murders of four US officials, avoiding, perhaps, that the fleet of the United States must take the law alone.

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