Insurance- Bentley

Only a purchased Bentley was stolen from a pipe factory worker. This is the real, endlessly offensive story of a 25 years old guy from St. P...

Insurance- Bentley

Only a purchased Bentley was stolen from a pipe factory worker. This is the real, endlessly offensive story of a 25 years old guy from St. Petersburg. It could be more offensive if it were about your Bentley. Well, or even your Camry - 7,000,000 tenge is also not lying on the road! So, than to tempt fate, it is better to insure your favorite car from an accident, damage and theft according to the Standard Classic + Casco program. Price for the same Camry for 7 million - only 210 thousand per year!

Buy travel insurance and save money.

Save on travel.
Recently, this activity has become a kind of competition. Colleagues tell each other how to catch a burning tour, friends share life hacking, budget cuts, bloggers organize master classes on finding cheap tickets and hotels.
Cash back service does not use only the most lazy, and he already accumulates bonuses from the bank on the card.
At the same time, few people think that buying a health insurance policy is a good way to save on travel.
Medicine abroad is expensive, and an aggravated disease or injury can negate all efforts to optimize the budget of the trip. In this case, it is desirable that the price of the policy is also not ruinous and fit into the budget. In this matter it is important in the pursuit of cheapness not to go over the edge of sanity and maintain a balance between price and quality of service.
That is why we decided to understand what should be spent on the purchase of travel insurance, and what can be excluded from the insurance policy.

Exchange rates
The first way to save money on buying a travel policy is to catch a low exchange rate. The insurance company considers the cost of such insurance in dollars or euros, depending on the destination of the trip. The calculated amount is converted into rubles at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of purchase. The lower the rate, the cheaper the insurance cover will be. This method can be neglected if you go on a trip for a few days, but when you buy an annual policy, this is already a significant difference.

Term insurance
One of the most popular questions in the tourism forums: �Do I need annual insurance when I get an annual Schengen visa?� Definitely not. Enough to arrange insurance for the duration of the first trip. If you do not travel often, it makes no sense to overpay for a longer period.
On the other hand, when traveling abroad more than twice a year, the annual policy may be more profitable than individual short-term policies, allowing you not to keep in mind the idea of ??buying a new insurance every time you travel abroad. In this case, the total number of days of continuous stay abroad can be chosen.
Active recreation
Even if you are not going to participate in the Formula 1 race, do not rush to answer �no� to the question whether you need a sports flooring. It happens that the insurer does not understand the ascent of Everest by playing sports, but an unsportsmanlike trip to an aquapark. This item is important to check, looking at the terms and conditions of insurance of a particular insurer. If in doubt, it is better to overpay for sports coverage and not to deny yourself little folly.

Franchise and other nuances
The insurer's favorite method of selling insurance to an economical insurer is to offer a franchise. In this case, the insurance company will lose a small part of the profit from the cost of the policy, but will get rid of the enormous amount of payments. More than 70% of insurance claims are minor losses. Is it worth it to reduce the cost of the policy, instead of acquiring a 70% risk of paying for an insured event from one�s own pocket - a question that can have only one answer: it is better to avoid franchises in an insurance policy.
May your travels always bring only positive

Innovatrics insurnace

The Russian Union of Motor Insurers (PCA) has analyzed the rating of regions by OSAGO and singled out 20 that are in the green zone. In the future, in a number of regions, tariffs for compulsory motor TPL insurance may be adjusted downwards.
The final decision on the size of the tariffs in them will be made by insurers, who are now analyzing their portfolios. The 20 regions located in the �green� zone include: Pskov, Ryazan, Oryol, Bryansk, Novgorod, Kaliningrad, Sakhalin, Kostroma, Udmurt, Chuvash, Kursk, Kirov, Tomsk, Saratov and Kaluga regions, Trans-Baikal Territory, Nenets Autonomous District, Republic of Karelia, Mordovia, and Sakha (Yakutia). innovatrics is the solution
It is assumed that the liberalization of tariffs for compulsory motor TPL insurance, which will make the tariffs on the mandatory �motor third party� more fair for car owners, will be held in several stages. innovatrics
According to preliminary calculations, according to the results of liberalization, tariffs will be raised for about 17% of the most �wrecked� car owners, and for 83% they will be reduced.

Car Insurance

We remind you that for an expired insurance of CTP and for driving without a policy a penalty is imposedThe lowest Casco tariffs - an average of about 2.5% of the cost of the car - are set in Switzerland, due to the high driving culture. The frequency of insurance claims for comprehensive insurance in this country is 40�60% (in Russia, on average, 75%). One of the highest tariffs for comprehensive insurance in Italy is up to 6%: emotional Italians drive quite aggressively, the loss-making ratio of insurance companies for comprehensive insurance exceeds 100%. And in England, a driver who has left for at least twenty years without an accident, in the following years gets car insurance for free (if, of course, he continues to be a break-even client for an insurance company).Extend the CTP better before the expiration of the current policy, so that there is no break in insurance.You can extend the policy no earlier than 2 months before the expiration of the previous


It is believed that the first car insurance    policy was issued in 1897 in Dayton, Ohio. Gilbert Lumis bought a liability insurance policy from the Travelers Insurance Company (by the way, this                 company still exists) for one thousand dollars. The policy was defended by Lumis if he, having got into an emergency situation in a car, would harm the life or health of a third party or any property not owned by the driver. In modern money, the amount of coverage of Lumis was approximately 26 thousand